I wonder what my ancestors would think
of me becoming an English teacher
or of me falling in love with English so hard
that it’s the language I write poetry in
I wonder what the words I keep rhythm with would sound like
if I prioritized what came first
Can a first language still be first
if it is the third I reach for?
Is my first language
the lead in my dreams,
or the shape my tongue took to annunciate my first words?
The next time I am hesitant to tick off English as my first language,
I want to be hooked to a polygraph;
I want to know what internal truth my pulse will tell
For my first three years,
it didn’t matter that my francophone neighbour in my anglophone suburb
didn’t understand the rapid Italian coming out of
a toddler with no shortage of passionate sentence fragments
No one holds this book open for long enough anymore
to spot the moment where, mid-sentence,
I switch from the language of my family
to the language of the place I was born into
And a boy I met in Australia told me
it was confusing to hear me pronounce my Italian name
in a Canadian accent
Now, I look for the beginnings of myself in a language app, and
I can’t tell if Google translate is a step ladder or a crutch,
but eff it, I think if I wrote poetry in Italian
it would sound something like this:
So che l'ultima volta che ci siamo visti
stavo piccola e tu stave il mio mondo
Perché anche quando stavo una bambina,
avere parole mi ha fatto sentire grande
Lo so che sono crescuito alla luce
di un’altra lingua
Pero guarde, in adesso momento siamo insieme
Non dirmi che non è bello
essere di nuovo il prodotto delle miei espiri
If Italian was still my go-to,
it may have sounded a little like that,
minus the apologetic tone,
minus the pleading with it to stay back
As an English teacher and spoken word artist, Lucia (Lu-chi-a) De Luca plays with stories in the classroom and on the mic. Her poetry often nods to past versions of herself or centers around her family and Italian heritage. Lucia was a finalist at the 2021 Canadian Individual Poetry Slam, and in 2020, as a member of Mcsway Poetry Collective, she organized McGill University's first-ever slam. Her work is published to the TEDx and Bankstown Poetry Slam YouTube channels, and in Pace Magazine, Baby Teeth Journal, and Yolk Literary Journal. She is currently pursuing an M. A. in Educational Leadership at McGill University.

Photo by Pratap Singh