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mcsway's online journal


Azba Shaikh. Light to the Solace

When a spectrum lies ahead; you look through all and choose none.

Solace is to greet everyone. Solace is to accept everything.

When life is unjust and the world is mean; find yourself and love yourself.

Solace is to accept them all.

Solace is to forgive them all.

When battles are fought and cries are heard; feel the sorrow and watch the gloom;

Solace is to pray for all. Solace is to pray for peace.

When love is far, and breath is high;

wait for the night and talk to the stars.

Solace is to keep calm. Solace is to appreciate love.

Note from the author: In a metaphorical sense, light to something means a path to a place. And since my poem gives few ways to acquire Solace and is not the definitive truth to it, I thought of a title to convey that these are some possible ways, in my opinion, that can give comfort in certain tough times. Thus, this poem is one path to solace and not a definite guide to it.

Azba Shaikh is a nature-lover and a passionate observer who recently regained sight of writing poetry. She is fond of reading philosophy and learning about the social intricacies of trust, faith and sacrifice. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at McGill University, where she is conducting research about neuro-rehabilitation in people with traumatic brain injury.

Image by Azba Shaikh.

© 2022 Mcsway Poetry Collective

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